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  Hire an Organist 

Placement Service


The Denver Rocky Mountain Chapter maintains an active list of organists for hire and substitutes in our area. To find an organist, or to list an opening, contact Placement Coordinator Benjamin Ehrlich.  Employment opportunities are listed in The Drawknob, our monthly newsletter. The Chapter makes no representation as to the quality of services you will receive. Members listed below have given their permission to be shown with their contact information.


Gwen Blumenschein

Credentials: MM, AAGO; experience in Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, UCC, and Baptist churches

Instruments: Organ, Piano, Harpsichord

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Weekday and Saturday Services 

James A. (Jim) Dalton

Credentials: BME Southern Illinois University, MME University of Colorado; Principal Organist, South Broadway Christian Church; Choral Director, Wheat Ridge High School

Instruments: Organ, Piano

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Sunday, Weekday, and Saturday Services 


Benjamin Ehrlich

Credentials: BM in Organ Performance, AGO Service Playing Certificate; more than 20 years' experience as service organist

Instruments: Organ, Piano

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Weekday and Saturday Services 


Faythe Freese

Credentials: BS, MM, DMus in Organ and Church Music; 55 years of experience in service playing for all mainline denominations

Instruments: Organ, Piano, Harpsichord

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Sunday, Weekday, and Saturday Services 


Isaac Johnson

Credentials: CAGO, MAR Yale Institute of Sacred Music; PhD student, University of Colorado; 8 years of experience as organist and choir director; active recitalist and composer

Instruments: Organ, Piano, Cello, Tenor

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Sunday, Weekday, and Saturday Services 

Denise Lanning

Credentials: BM, MM in Organ Performance; more than 25 years of experience in church music

Instruments: Organ, Piano

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Weekday and Saturday Services 


Millie Thomas

Credentials: CAGO, BS Music Education, DU Certificate; 50 years of experience

Instruments: Organ, Piano

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Sunday, Weekday, and Saturday Services

David Vogels

Credentials: MMus, CAGO; more than 50 years of experience in service playing for all mainline denominations

Instruments: Organ

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Sunday and Saturday Services 

Donald Weiss

Credentials: More than 35 years of experience as service organist

Instruments: Organ, Piano

Available for: Weddings, Funerals; Sunday, Weekday, and Saturday Services 

2024-2025 OFFICERS


Dean: Andrew Peters

Sub-Dean: Linda Mack, SPC

Secretary: Barbara Hulac

Treasurer: Cathy Bruno, CAGO

Registrar: Diane Gallagher, CAGO





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American Guild of Organists
Denver Rocky Mountain Chapter

Post Office Box 101448
Denver, Colorado 80250-1448

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